Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Luscious - Abundant - &  - Fresh

A distant memory ago, - a fall trip to see & record Monet

Museums of Paris that house his masterpieces:

A train ride to Vernon

His Home

His Garden

And for those of us in parts of the USA (or other far flung places !)

where winter is hanging on more tightly than usual,

may I recommend this week's entry at:


Spring has returned to Giverny !!

 - suggested reading on our BOOKSHELF :

a captivating display of
 Immpressionism, Fashion, and Modernity
- their paintings and their dress

at the

Metropolitan Museum of Art
(now through May 27)


Art Institute of Chicago
(June 26 - Sept 22)


Thursday, March 21, 2013


It's finally SPRING !!!

...and it will soon be EASTER

Now if the weather will just warm up.
(...today we had snowflakes .)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring ?

I'm ready for Spring!

 Warm Days
  Cheery Colors

Good-by dreary gray skies
Heavy coats
 Chilling winds ( & snow)!

But here in the Bluegrass, 
March is a mixed bag.......

It can bring us flowery surprises tucked in trees~

        or snow;

quacking duck couples, 

or snow;

and sometimes a glorious display !

 This year spring seems awfully slow, 
and raindrops abound.

A few flakes flutter, 
 cold temperatures persist.

The garden is still sleeping ......

Only the earliest of daffodils are beginning to peek out......

...will SPRING will be here soon ???

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer retreat

The 4th of July has come & gone.

And the long
~ hot
~ lazy
days of summer have set in.

Free time ......

for imagination,
& games.

a book discovered and read...

a movie viewed

~the imagination sparked

How much fun would this be on a
such a summer afternoon?

And perhaps ~ not far away...

a hidden beach

a blue lagoon

with a foreboding sign....

and a feathered 'lookout'?

the hideout found!

-such a July day

It's summer!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

A favorite time of year

Paper & Punches ...

Inks & Pens ...

Worktable at the ready ...

Designs taking shape...

Sentiments added.

For Family

& Friends ...


& Cherished.

Stamped & Sealed

Now wrapped up for this year.

But, just this one more ...
For you
